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Hoya caudata ssp. red


Hoya caudata ssp. red


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Hoya caudata is a vining  epiphytic plant in the dogbane family Apocynaceae. It has attractive waxy foliage and produces sweetly scented flowers. Native to the Malaysia, Thailand and Borneo, ideally suited for pots or a hanging basket.

The inflorescence is made up of multiple flowers, hanging or more upright, grouped in an umbel. The flowers are peachy-white with purple centers. They are star-shaped, and are borne in clusters that look like they are made of wax. The flower’s surface is covered in tiny hairs giving a fuzzy appearance. They are heavily scented.

Sunlight Demand: Full sun or partial shade
Flower Color: White
Foliage: Green
Soil Condition: Peat Moss
Water Requirement: Medium
Purchase Size: 4 leaves+


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