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Hoya acuta


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Hoya acuta


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Hoya acuta  is a vining epiphytic plant in the dogbane family Apocynaceae. It has attractive waxy foliage and produces sweetly scented flowers. Native to Indonesia, Thailand and Malaysia, with stiff, upright growth.

The inflorescence is made up of multiple flowers, hanging or more upright, grouped in an umbel. The flowers are creamy white with pink-purple centers. They are star-shaped, and are borne in clusters that look like they are made of wax. The flower’s surface is covered in tiny hairs giving a fuzzy appearance. They are heavily scented and may produce excess nectar that drips from the flowers.

Sunlight Demand: Full sun or partial shade
Flower Color: Creamy
Foliage: Green
Soil Condition: Peat Moss
Water Requirement: Medium
Purchase Size: 4” (10cm)


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