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Theraphosa apophysis - Pinkfoot Goliath Bird Eater


Theraphosa apophysis – Pinkfoot Goliath Bird Eater


Theraphosa apophysis for sale. Pinkfoot Goliath Bird Eater for sale. Ship internationally and live arrival guarantee. Theraphosa apophysis is a species of spider in the family Theraphosidae, found in Venezuela and Brazil. The Pinkfoot Goliath Bird Eater is another one of the largest tarantulas in the world with legs spans reaching up to 33cm.



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Description: Theraphosa apophysis is a species of spider in the family Theraphosidae, found in Venezuela and Brazil. The Pinkfoot Goliath Bird Eater is another one of the largest tarantulas in the world with legs spans reaching up to 33cm. It also has dusty brown appearance, with reddish hair/setae on the legs and abdomen, but Theraphosa apophysis has an overal pinkish hue that Theraphosa blondi and Theraphosa stirmi don’t have. Seeing a full grown specimen is truly something to behold.

Common name: Pinkfoot Goliath Bird Eater | Pinkfoot Goliath Bird Eating Tarantula

Adult Size: 26 to 33cm

Type: New World, Terrestrial. Opportunistic burrower.

Growth Rate: Medium to Fast

Temperament: Calm, but skittish when frightened or provoked.

Lifespan: Females (18 to 20 years) | Males (3 to 5 years)

Recommended Climate: 18-20°C (Winter) 22-24°C (Summer) Cooler than you think.

Humidity: 70 – 85%

Additional information


Male – 10 to 11cm, Female – 10 to11cm, 4cm, Male – 14 to 15cm, Female – 14 to 15cm, Male – 17 to 18cm, Female – 17 to18cm


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